Same chair, different scenarios. Advert EDM campaign for a Vista ( using the movie cinema seat as the main hero prop in a movie themed environment. The initial movie seat image was provided to me and I had to illustrate an environment around it based on movie themed cinema experiences the customer receives from using the latest cinema technology. This technology that Vista provides the cinema owner allows them the tools to run an entire cinema including fast food, restaurants, cinema tickets, bookings, online experience, right down to air conditioning within a cinema. Each rendering required an area above it for html header text that could also be resized for mobile phones, additionally an elongated horizonal version had to be created as well for twitter, facebook etc. 
Back to the Future
Optimus Prime (Transformer) theme
Jaws theme
Emperor Penguin theme
Gravity theme
Pirates of the Caribbean theme
Restaurant theme
Romance theme
Mad Max theme
Willy Wonka theme
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