Agency: ellen and ellen
The New Zealand company "Vista" help create behind the scenes technology for cinemas worldwide. My role in this particular project was to create large representations of movie heros in which we overlay a story about the the actual person involved in creating the behind the scenes magic... The "real" person that makes it happen.
Due to the share large size of these images as well as copyright laws to consider, the biggest part of the challenge for this project was having manipulate these images so that they could be applied as a graphic background on display panels, brochures etc. It involved heavy manipulation of images of models, background images and props to achieve this. Also lighting and colour had to be factored into this process to match the original shooting or photography involved in each scene.

Final rendering with recreated scene and hand holding photo

Prop models

Final rendering with recreated scene and hand holding photo

Prop models

Final rendering with recreated scene and hand holding photo

Prop models

Final rendering with recreated scene and hand holding photo

Prop models

Final rendering with recreated scene and hand holding photo

Prop models

Final rendering with recreated scene and hand holding photo

Prop models

Final rendering with recreated scene and hand holding photo

Prop models

Prop models

Images applied to the brand material